cute apple and cute banana in a boxing ring

Dirt Cheap Compost is Now Part of Compost Colorado!

To the DCC and Colorado communities: we have big news to start the new year!

Dirt Cheap Compost is now a part of Compost Colorado – that’s right, we’ve joined the not-so-evil empire, and are combining forces with the largest composter in Colorado to continue to serve you.

Nothing will change for you, and you'll actually get a ton of new services, perks, and benefits from being a DCC-turned-CoCo member.


What will change for me?

Nothing. You'll continue to get weekly pickups, composting the same items, and using your same DCC bucket and bags. (Unless you want to request a new CoCo bucket.)

Why are you selling the business? I am le sad.

We are also le sad, but it’s necessary.

Aside from the dozens of dollars we’ll make on the transaction (cha-ching!), we have recently decided to move to Florida to be closer to our family (personal reasons).

You may have noticed some logistics challenges recently as our small community project had grown beyond 100 members. Combined with our upcoming cross-country move, we didn’t feel like we could continue running the business from afar with the same high standards and reliability we strive for and promise. We didn’t want to see the project deteriorate or suffer from our physical absence, so during the holidays we began looking for a partner to ensure DCC’s spirit, mission, and community lived on after our move.

Why CoCo?

We’ve known Vann, the founder of CoCo, for a few years, and really respect what he and his team have built there. CoCo has thousands of homes and businesses on their service, runs routes every day of the week with a fleet of fuel-efficient vehicles, and offers a host of well-designed services and benefits. We would not do this if we didn’t trust CoCo to continue serving you above and beyond how we already manage DCC.

New Benefits as CoCo Members:

In addition to your normal weekly home curbside pickups that we’ve been providing, you’ll now receive:

  1. Cash credits when you skip a week (e.g., if out of town).

  2. On-demand and seasonal bulk yard waste removal.

  3. Compost dropoff locations all around the area, free for you to use anytime.

  4. A free 30-lbs bag of soil every spring.

  5. Discounts on eco-friendly and refillable products on their website!

Looking Back, Looking Forward:

After two incredibly rewarding years of building Dirt Cheap Compost, putting our hands in the dirt (and at times in some pretty gross places), and diverting over 100,000 pounds of food waste from landfills, we are so proud of our community (you!) for getting involved at a hyper-local level to make a climate difference.

We are blown away by what our little passion project grew into so quickly, and we are so grateful to have met so many of our members personally. After nearly 10 years in Colorado, running DCC was by far the closest we have ever felt to our neighbors and community, and we are proud to have expanded composting in our area.

We want to give a special shout-out to Patrick at Florence Farms in Lakewood for being an amazing small farm partner for our compost. If you didn’t know, your food waste has been growing new produce right here in JeffCo, and we hope you continue to patronize and support Florence Farms in the spring and summer!

With gratitude and love,

Madison and Colin McIntosh, co-founders of Dirt Cheap Compost, newlyweds, and forever your neighbors!

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